Now Just Between Us Girls…We Share the 10 Most Followed Drag Queens on Instagram

BY: Jasmine Tianna

Published 6 months ago

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Most followed drag queens on IG
Image Credit: Instagram/@Katya_zamo

Since “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” the girls are eating the drag queens up! Many queens have flourished since their win or spotlight on the hit show. For generations, drag races have been a part of the community, but now more than ever, they are being shown worldwide. More people are noticing the fabulous queens, and they are becoming a staple in the community. As the world becomes a little more open to the queer community, the queens are also getting their recognition. We unlock the rich history behind the drag queens and list the most followed drag queens on Instagram.  

The Drag Queens and LGBTQ+ Culture 

What is drag? It is the most artistic way to express yourself. Many people who are presented in drag are non-binary.  Throughout history, drag shows have been a place where people come to enter a new reality. In the 1920s, Pansy Craze was the development of the LGBTQ+. Queens held many shows when they were labeled as “pansy performers” — most of the performances were held at underground speakeasies. It ended in the mid-1930s but left the Americans shook at the amount of attention the Pansy Craze brought.

However, as history unfolded, we learned that William Dorsey Swann was the first drag queen in the late 1800s. He was a representation of some African-American men who were born into slavery. He was the first American activist to lead a queer resistance group while also labeling himself as the first person as the “queen of drag.”

Today, as many people are understanding the language of queer folks, they are also following drag queens as well. You will be surprised at the number of straight people developing their love for the culture. Although most drag queens originate from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” many are musicians, artists, and more. 


10 Most Followed Drag Queens on Instagram

These queens are the most followed drag queens on Instagram. From “RuPaul’s Drag Race” to building their own community, these queens are showing out for the queer folk. Here are the 10 most followed drag queens on Instagram. 

1. Bob the Drag Queen – 1.8M

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A post shared by Bob/ Caldwell Tidicue (@bobthedragqueen)

2. Alaska – 1.8M

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A post shared by Alaska (@theonlyalaska5000)

3. Jinkx Monsoon- 1.8M

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A post shared by Jinkx Monsoon (She/Her) (@thejinkx)

4. Alyssa Edwards – 1.9M

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A post shared by Alyssa Edwards (@alyssaedwards_1)

5. Violet Chachki- 2M

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A post shared by Violet Chachki (@violetchachki)

6. Adore Delano- 2M

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A post shared by Adore Delano (@adoredelano)

7. Bianca Del Rio- 2.5M

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A post shared by Bianca Del Rio (@thebiancadelrio)

8. Katya- 2.7M

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A post shared by The Pit Stop (@thepitstop)

9. Plastique Tiara- 2.9M

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A post shared by Plastique Tiara (@plastiquetiara)

10. Trixie Mattel – 3.9M

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A post shared by Trixie Cosmetics (@trixiecosmetics)

Which Drag Queen do you follow? Let us know in the comments below!

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