Boss Moves and Petty Behavior: The Best Memes About Capricorns on the Internet


Published 2 months ago

Capricorn birthday cake
Source: Unsplash

Born between Dec. 22 and Jan. 19, Capricorns are known for being go-getters. They’re hardworking, disciplined, and all about their business. But don’t let their serious vibe fool you — Capricorns are pure comedy gold. The internet roasts them in the best way (but with love, of course). Here are five hilarious memes that perfectly sum up Capricorn energy.


1. The “I can do bad by myself” Capricorns

Capricorn text meme
Source: Instagram/@capricorn

Capricorns are known for being stubborn; this meme perfectly captures that vibe. It’s a straightforward text post describing how locked-in Capricorns can be on their path. Whether it’s drifting away from friends or keeping their circle tight, astrology says Capricorns are perfectly fine rolling solo.


2. December Capricorns are allegedly easier to deal with

December versus January Capricorn meme
Souce: Instagram/@capricornmemes_

According to astrology and the internet, there is a clear distinction between December Capricorns and those born in January. December babies are associated with being reserved and laid back, while those born in January are described as feisty and more outgoing.

3. The stubborn Capricorn princess meme

powerpuff girl capricorn meme
Source: Pinterest

One meme circulating online shows a Blossom from “The Powerpuff Girls” with a stern expression, accompanied by the caption, “Ask for help you need it… F*** that s***.” This wild take reflects the Capricorn’s self-reliant nature and their disbelief in others’ abilities to handle their problems.


4. Already planning the wedding?

Wedding Capricorn meme
Source: Instagram/@lightworkerliv

Some Capricorns take being proactive to a whole new level. This meme, featuring a woman frantically jotting things down, playfully calls out how some Caps can get too far ahead of themselves. Things like mentally planning a wedding on the first date or accepting a job offer just because it “feels right” can sometimes lead to some hilariously impulsive decisions.

5. Born perfect, and always perfect

New York Capricorn meme
Source: Instagram/@lightworkerliv

While being a know-it-all is not exclusive to Capricorns, it’s common among the zodiac. The image features Tiffany Pollard, aka New York, in a confessional interview with a caption that reads, “I never was a child. As soon as I popped out of my mom, I was just in the know.” That line alone screams Capricorn energy!


6. Capricorns don’t overshare

Mariah Carey Capricorn meme
Source: Pinterest

Capricorns don’t do emotional oversharing, especially when they see it as unnecessary drama. It kicks off with a Cancer sign spilling their heart out. Meanwhile, the Capricorn — true to their guarded nature — hits them with a classic Mariah Carey line, “I can’t read suddenly. I don’t know.”

7. Self-centered and over it

Robert Downey Jr. Capricorn meme
Source: Make A Meme

This meme hilariously calls out a long-time struggle that Capricorns know all too well — having a birthday that nobody really celebrates. The image features Robert Downey Jr. in his classic eye-roll pose and reads, “All you people who missed your birthday because of Corona, now you know how Sagittarius and Capricorn have felt since day one.”


Let’s face it: we all know a hard-headed Capricorn or two. Those friends who will rescue you in a heartbeat while reminding you that they were right in the first place. Capricorns are smart and stubborn, but they are almost always a good time.

Which Capricorn meme is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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