Justin Bieber Suffers Mild Concussion After Paris Show

BY: Denver Sean

Published 13 years ago

Don’t worry, he’s okay! E! News confirms that Justin Bieber suffered a slight concussion after performing in Paris tonight.

JB ran into a glass wall inbetween songs and suffered from a little disorientation. He managed to finish the concert, but later passed out for about 15 seconds in his dressing room.

“i will see u again Glass. I will have my revenge. BIEBER vs GLASS. MGM LAS VEGAS 2013. lol. #GottaLaughAtYourself,” he tweeted.

Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun also took to Twitter after the incident and chimed , “jb is gonna be fine. things happen. he is a trooper. canadian hockey player. tough kid. no issue.”

He continued: “now that he is ok i can say this… BIEBER and GLASS…they dont like eachother,”

“#ItHappenedAgain…but the fact that he still went and finished the last song and KILLED IT. That was impressive. #TrueProfessional”

Glad to hear that he’s okay!

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