Jussie Smollett Comes Out of 'Quarantine' to Sing Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak [Video] | www.lovebscott.com

Jussie Smollett Comes Out of ‘Quarantine’ to Sing Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak [Video]

Aside from a few court appearances, Jussie Smollett had already been socially distancing prior to the coronavirus outbreak.

The former ‘Empire’ actor took to Instagram on ‘Quarantine day 421’ to share a video of himself singing along side a message of spreading love and kindness.

If you’re paying attention, 421 days ago would’ve been January 29, 2019 — the day of Jussie’s alleged hate crime attack.

He’s really not letting this go, is he? Watch the video on mute below.


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Hope y’all are staying safe. Spread love and kindness… not Rona.

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