BY: Denver Sean
Published 12 years ago
Victoria Jackson, former comedian on Saturday Night Live, current controversial nut job, made some rather interesting statements attacking Black History Month on Twitter.
“Now, that the white race is becoming a minority in America, perhaps we need to make … say, January, White History month,” she wrote on her website, according to the political blog Wonkette.
Jackson later took down her screed, but Wonkette and the Hollywood Reporter reported most of it.
Jackson wrote that America’s decline parallels the end of white men’s dominance, then offered this:
‘Find a white, middle-aged Christian man today and hug him. And then, encourage him and your white Christian sons to stand up, be leaders again, and save our country from the God-hating communists like Alec Baldwin and Obama.”
Among other recent outlandish declarations, Jackson agreed with a friend’s statement equating the Sandy Hook killer with doctors who do abortions, defended Rep. Todd Akin’s views on rape by saying she would be “blessed” to have a child whose father raped her, and blasted the gay characters on “Glee.”
via Huffington Post