Beyoncé FaceTimes A Fan During Her Concert [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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As if getting Beyoncé to pose for a photo with mid-show isn’t enough, a fan took it to the next level when he managed to get Beyoncé to FaceTime with her friend while on stage.

After noticing what was going on, Bey stopped in the middle of the song and said, “This is a first.” 

She then grabbed the phone from the fan and revealed it to the audience after she said, “Hi…Nice to meet you!” to the person on the other end of the phone.


She didn’t even mess up the flow of the song! A true pro!

Watch the FaceTime moment below!

At the beginning of her tour, Beyoncé didn’t see it for cameras during her show at all. We wonder what caused her change of heart?

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