BY: Denver Sean
Published 12 years ago
Wiz Khalifa & Amber Rose stopped by Philadelphia’s Hot 107.9 radio station where the couple talked about Amber’s previous pregnancy, which ended in miscarriage and her traditional plans for her upcoming childbirth.
“Her first pregnancy was like right before and it was unexpected,” Khalifa told the station, according to the Daily Mail. “Right when we found out she was pregnant she lost the baby, and she got pregnant again like right around the time we found out she lost the baby,” he added.
Rose was reportedly devastated after they lost her first child during her first trimester and decided to keep her second pregnancy under wraps as a result.
“That second time when she got pregnant, we didn’t want to say anything about it until after her second trimester and everything,” Khalifa said, explaining why the pair initially denied Rose was with child.
The 29-year-old model is currently seven months pregnant with a baby boy, who she is planning on giving birth to au naturale.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine,” Rose said. “I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomach ache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.”’
The couple broke the news of their budding bundle of joy at this year’s “MTV Video Music Awards” in September.
via Huffington Post