Adam Lambert Takes Shots At ‘Les Mis’


Published 12 years ago


While many were leaving the theater praising the performances in ‘Les Mis’ this past week, it seems as if one American Idol alum was none to happy with the vocal performances of a few of the film’s stars.

Adam Lambert, the season eight runner-up of AI, took to twitter to express his distain with the musical numbers in the film.

“Les Mis: Visually impressive w great Emotional performances. But the score suffered massively with great actors PRETENDING to be singers. It’s an opera. Hollywood’s movie musicals treat the singing as the last priority.”

Although Lambert stopped before naming any names, he was quick to point out Anne Hathaway’s solo of ‘I Dreamed I Dream’ as Fantine tweeting “Do go see it for Anne Hathaways performance. It’s was breathtaking.”


Lambert also praised Helena Bonham Carter and Sasha Baron Cohen (who play the Thenardiers), Aaron Tveit (Enjolras) and Samantha Barks (Eponine) for their vocals and performances. The singer apologized for his negative tone but explained to his followers that he had high hopes for the film, growing up with musicals as a child.

“I do think it was cool they were singing live – but with that cast, they should have studio recorded and sweetened the vocals. The industry will say ‘these actors were so brave to attempt singing this score live’ but why not cast actors who could actually sound good?”

What do you think? Could the singing in ‘Les Mis’ have been better, or is Adam just looking for something to complain about?

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