28-Year-Old Woman Claims to Be Jay-Z’s Secret Daughter: ‘I’ve Been Quiet for Far Too Long’ [Photos + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

A 28-year-old woman by the name of La’Teasha Macer is coming out, claiming to be the daughter of Jay-Z.

La’Teasha was born in Cambridge, Maryland, and says that her mom met Jay in Cambridge after they were introduced by her aunt.

She says that her mother and Jay had a friendly relationship that turned sexual and resulted in her birth.


La’Teasha has an entire Instagram account (@jayzfirstdaughter) dedicated to sharing her truth. She even made a little video montage telling her story.

In the video, she compares photos of Jay and herself.

“There’s no way he can deny anything, especially when there were people there that knew him,” she says in a voiceover. She also shares “some answers” she got from the Ancestry DNA test she took. Closing her video, she states, “He knows that I exist.”


Did we mention she’s also writing a book? Listen, it’s not the first time Jay’s been accused of fathering a secret child — but we’re not sure if this woman’s story hold weight. Do you believe her?

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