Whoops! Teyana Taylor Tries to Stop Baby Junie From Saying ‘P*ssy’ on Instagram Live: ‘Work That CAT!’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Teyana Taylor’s new album ‘K.T.S.E.’ is out and features a song called “WTP” — which stands for “Work That P*ssy.”

When discussing video plans on Instagram Live, Teyana pondered whether she should put on a ball and dropped the P-word a few times — all while her 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter Junie happened to be listening.

All of a sudden, Junie can be heard asking her mom, “What is p*ssy palace?”


Quickly, Teyana tried to redirect Junie’s language to say “cat” instead…then realized she has to be more careful speaking around her daughter.

“We need a clean version of WTP ASAP,” Teyana captioned video of the hilarious moment. “I zoned out and forgot @BabyJunie4 was even sitting there, let alone all up in my convo!! These kids are sponges. Lort forgive me. I made her say cat so she could stop saying the P word.”

Watch below:

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