Published 10 years ago
Parker Rice has been identified as the University of Oklahoma fraternity brother who led the racist chant “There will never be a n*gger in SAE” that was posted online Sunday.
According to Daily Mail Online, who was first to confirm the perpetrator’s identity, Parker is the former Catholic schoolboy of an elite Dallas institution. He is 19 years old and a freshman in college.
A spokesperson for the Dallas Catholic high school confirmed Parker’s identity to Daily Mail Online, stating, “We know for sure it is one of our students and it is Parker Rice.”
A former classmate of Parker’s said the following about Parker’s character:
“In my honest opinion, he was following his frat brothers. I don’t believe he is a racist; just wanted to fit in. It’s fraternity culture. You do what the elders do so you fit in. He truly is a nice guy, but I do question things now.”
Another former classmate offered up the following:
“At school, he was a football player. He was the funny guy that seemed to never take anything serious. I saw him as a follower who was afraid to step out of his friend group because of fear of not being accepted. He was privileged but most of the kids at Jesuit were.”
In better news, after immediately severing ties with the local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and forcing them to vacate their frat house on campus, University President David Boren confirmed that he had expelled two students from the university.
Check out his statement below, which he shared on Twitter.
It’s unknown if Parker is one of the two students expelled, but we can’t imagine he isn’t.
Let this serve as a lesson: Don’t be racist, but if you’re going to be, don’t do it while the cameras are rolling.
Good job, President Boren!