Say What Now? Texas Woman Sentenced to Jail for Selling Stolen Goods for Millions in eBay Scheme

BY: Denver Sean

Published 4 years ago

A Texas woman who earned millions of dollars by stealing from stores and then selling the products on eBay has been sentenced to 54 months in federal prison.

via NYDN:

Kim Richardson also agreed to pay $3.8 million in restitution after she confessed to investigators that she was part of an interstate theft ring, that operated from August 2000 through April 2019.


U.S. Attorney Ryan Patrick in a press release said the 63-year-old thief would go as far as to use “shoplifting tools,” which disable security devices, and then stashed her merchandise in a large bag until she could reach safety.

From there, she would pawn her stolen goods off on buyers scrolling through eBay as well as by way of direct internet sales. She would then send it to customers via the U.S. mail, Federal Express and United Parcel Service.

In total, her buyers paid approximately $3.8 million throughout the scheme into four PayPal accounts linked to Richardson.

During her sentencing, the court said it would be “virtually impossible” to identify everyone who was a victim of Richardson’s scheme, according to the release.


After she pleaded guilty to the crimes in December 2019, Richardson was “permitted to remain on bond and voluntarily surrender to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility to be determined in the near future.”

This sounds like a storyline from ‘Orange Is the New Black.’

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