Say What Now? White Professor Drops the N-Word in Class Three Times, Gets Put on Paid Leave [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 4 years ago

A white professor is under investigation after he was recorded on video saying the N-word three times in a class.

via NYDN:

Gary Shank, a professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, was put on paid leave Friday, local ABC affiliate WTAE reported. Hours earlier, a Duquesne student posted video of him saying the N-word. (Warning: video contains explicit content)


“When I was a young man, that was a very commonly used word. You know what Brazil nuts are, right?” Shank asked his class. “When I was a kid, people called them [N-word] toes.”

Seconds later, Shank, an education psychology professor, dropped the word again.

“When I had a little extra money, and I was spending it extravagantly, somebody might say I was [N-word] rich.”

Shank explained that it was OK for him to say the word in class because he would use it in a “pedagogical sense.”


“I believe that there is never a time, pedagogically or otherwise, for a professor to create a hostile learning environment,” School of Education Dean Gretchen Generett said in a letter to students, according to WTAE. “Using the N-word or seemingly encouraging students to use that word is not in keeping with the mission of the University.”

Another instructor has temporarily taken over Shank’s class.

You already know we had to bring up this gem as soon as we read this story. We wonder if Gary has seen it.



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