Safaree Samuels Talks Nicki Minaj Break Up with The Breakfast Club, Claims He Helped Write Her Rhymes [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Nicki Minaj’s ex Safaree Samuel stopped by The Breakfast Club this morning and spoke openly and honestly about his breakup with Nicki and their relationship.

Check out a few excerpts from his side of the story:

On how he first met Nicki:


“We were in a group together, called HoodStars. So we did the group thing for like two years, and it didn’t work out, so she branched out and did her solo thing. We packed up two cars and moved to Atlanta and started going from there.  We were friends at first and then it turned into a relationship. We were friends for like a year and a half.”

On moving on from their relationship:

“I would never do anything publicly to try to pull her down. Whatever happens between me and her one on one is what it is, that’s personal. I would never put that out there. I could be out here telling a million stories and doing cornball shit, but I’m not gonna do that and I never plan on doing that. I just think it’s crazy for her to come out now and try to pull me down and try to say I’m corny. I don’t care who you with, who you with don’t mean nothing to me. I want you to move on, because I’m moving on. I walked away from the situation.”

On whether or not he broke up with Nicki:


“I walked away. I’m not going to say I broke up, but I’m the one who walked away. I packed up my stuff and I left.”

On Meek Mill:

“If that’s who she decides to move on with, it is what it is. I’m not mad, I’m not bitter because if I wanted to make it work, I could’ve made it work… He don’t owe me nothing. He’s not childhood friend I grew up with.”

On the suicide rumors: 


“I’ve definitely been in places where I felt like I don’t want to be here anymore.”

On writing Nicki’s rhymes:

“Don’t say ‘Oh, I don’t have no talent’ because every time it came to writing raps and doing music, it was me, her and a beat. She doesn’t do it by herself. It was me and her. Don’t discredit me on what I’ve done for you, that’s weak. I would never do that for her. All I’m saying is this is something me and her did together. That doesn’t take away from what she’s done. She’s at the top of her league.”

And that’s not even half of it. Watch the full interview below.


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