Omarosa’s Appearance at an NABJ Panel Didn’t Go So Well — She Walked Off Stage [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

Remember yesterday when we told you about the commotion surrounding Omarosa’s scheduled appearance on a panel for the Nation Association of Black Journalists conference in New Orleans?

Well, it went down today — and Omarosa ended up walking off stage.


via NYDN:

The White House public liaison worker, generally referred to only by her first name, attended a panel on police brutality at the organization’s meeting in New Orleans on Friday.

However, some attendees turned their backs on her as she sat down for the panel moderated by BET journalist Ed Gordon that included Philando Castile’s mother Valerie Castile and Alton Sterling’s aunt Sandra Sterling.

Omarosa and Gordon got into repeated tense exchanges when he began asking about the President’s views.


“Ask about my story, I’m not going to stand here and defend every single word or decision,” she said after standing up from her chair, according to video of the event.

Omarosa had previously taken issue with the negative attention around her NABJ appearance, and said that she was on the panel to discuss loved ones she had lost to violence.

“I am here @NABJ to talk about my father and brother’s murders. Do you have any decency?” she told MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid on Twitter Friday.

Omarosa did say that some Trump comments, his saying that police should not “be too nice,” were inappropriate, according to the Washington Post.


Gordon maintained that it was appropriate to ask questions about her work in the White House, though later said that the event was reaching “the point of diminished returns.”

Omarosa ended up walking off the stage before the end of the panel, according to Buzzfeed.

“I’ll see y’all at the White House Christmas party in December,” Gordon reportedly said as she left.

Check out the tweets below for a first-hand account of the madness.





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