Man Says NYPD Shut Down Birthday Party on Private Property, Claims Officer Called Him N-Word During Arrest [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

30-year-old Husan Blue was arrested Thursday after several overly aggressive New York Police Department officers shut down a party in Brooklyn that was being held on private property.

via Complex:


Blue attended a gathering of about 30 to 50 people for his father Greg, who turned 57 earlier in the week, in the courtyard of the apartment building that his family has lived in for over 40 years. When dozens of police cars arrived around midnight, Blue said he had a feeling that these officers had one thing in mind. 

“They came with intentions to basically fuck us up,” Blue told Buzzfeed News. “It wasn’t like, ‘Hey guys, it’s past curfew, time to wrap up.’ They came batons out, helmets on, ready for war.”Blue said that when he tried to intervene after one of the officers pushed his mother to the floor, he was taken down, and slammed on his right shoulder, which had undergone arthroscopic surgery last Sunday. 

“When they were attacking my mother, I got in between them and next thing I know, my arm is behind my back, I’m slammed to the floor, and the same arm that I’m trying to hold up now, they slammed me on it,” he recalled. 

Blue also suffered a severely sprained wrist that is now wrapped in a cast, as well as clearly visible marks on his wrists from the zip ties that were used in his arrest. 


Blue shared a cell the night of his arrest with his friend Samuel Gifford. Both men claim that the officers whispered the N-word to them while they were on the ground. “We were called n*ggers, in our ears, when we were on the floor,” Gifford said. “They don’t say it out loud, they whisper in your ear while they’ve got you on the floor.” Blue added, “And it makes you want to wiggle.”



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It’s getting real out here. NYPD just rushed Franklin and Eastern Parkway, in Brooklyn, NY, and beat residents for standing outside their own building. A few tried to hit me as well, but they hesitated when they saw my essential worker ID. If it wasn’t for my ID, I would’ve been beaten and detained as well. One fat Wight cop mushed me with his billy club as I walked away, and when everyone started running, he yelled for the cops in front of us to detain me, but a Black cop saw me running and pretended like he didn’t see me. The Black cop jumped in his squad car and drove right pass me, feigning as if he was searching for me. He saw me duck behind a van, trying to get away from the fat Wight cop. The second video ends abruptly because that’s when they rushed us. Something’s gotta give, or NY will not survive the summer. Be safe and stay vigilant. Share this.

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