Kerry Washington Blasts Donald Trump’s ‘Ridiculous’ Child Care Policy

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago


Kerry Washington blasted Donald Trump’s ‘riduclous’ maternity leave proposal on Friday — declaring that voting for Donald is akin to “voting against ourselves.”

via NY Daily News:

“There’s been a lot of talk about it being insulting to women, but I actually think it’s insulting to families, and to workers, because there’s no paternity leave, there’s no family leave!” the “Scandal” star said on “Real Time with Bill Maher.”


Washington, quipping she was “knocked up again” with her second child, praised Trump’s rival Hillary Clinton for tackling the child care issue with “economic policy.”

“I choose that candidate over the guy who brags about having never changed a diaper,” the actress said. “He’s literally bragged about never having changed a diaper. That’s crazy.”

The GOP nominee and his daughter Ivanka Trump have recently defended their new child care plan — which includes a guaranteed six weeks’ paid maternity leave, tax deductions and tax rebates — againstits perceived limitations. The Donaldbranded Cosmopolitan a “dying magazine” this week after one of its reporters dared ask his daughter substantive questions about the policy.

Washington, meanwhile, urged viewers not to be distracted by the “very smart, very articulate, beautiful women” — namely Ivanka Trump and unflappable campaign manager Kellyanne Conway — serving as the dopey developer’s surrogates.


“We need to be not swayed by them,” she said. “Because they will not have their finger on the button — he will.”

She cited her own expertise portraying a Washington fixer on TV to further tout Conway’s political savvy.

“Playing Olivia Pope, I know spin when I see it,” she said.

When asked by Maher about the supposed “enthusiasm gap” Clinton faces, Washington argued the bigger problem was “fear and hate” candidate Trump’s media domination.


“We are in a political climate where we are being led — by the media, no offense — to vote for the loudest candidate and the meanest, the bulliest candidate in the playground, and that we are voting based on a cult of personality or a cult of celebrity rather than voting in our best interest,” she said.

“I think if we really look at policy, voting for Trump is voting against our best interests as Americans, as workers, as people of color, as women … Voting for Trump is voting against ourselves.”

Check out the clip below:

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