Judge Hatchett’s Son Suing Hospital Over Alleged Wrongful Death of His Wife Who Died Hours After Giving Birth [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

TV judge Glenda Hatchett’s son is suing the hospital where his wife passed away 12 hours after she delivered a healthy baby boy via C-section.

Judge Hatchett took to Instagram to blast Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for letting her daughter-in-law bleed to death.


via People:

In court documents filed March 22 and obtained by PEOPLE, Charles Johnson IV is suing Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for wrongful death and negligent infliction of emotional distress following the death of his “healthy, vibrant, fun, loving wife,” Kyira Adele Dixon.

The documents allege that on April 12, 2016, 39-year-old Dixon arrived at Cedars-Sinai at approximately 12:30 p.m. for a repeat elective cesarean delivery (Dixon’s first child — son Charles Johnson V — was born via C-section on Sept. 18, 2014).

According to the documents, Dixon’s delivery was performed by Arjang Naim, M.D., and assisted by Benham Kashanchi, M.D., and her husband was present in the operating room.


“The delivery started at 2:31 p.m. Langston Johnson was born at 2:33 p.m. The procedure was completed at or about 2:48 p.m.” the documents read. “At 3:00 p.m., Kyira was out of the operating room and taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). … At 3:04 p.m., Kyira was ‘skin to skin’ bonding with her baby.”

But not long after Langston was born, there were signs of a problem.

The court documents state that “shortly before 5:00 p.m., blood tinged urine was seen in Kyira’s foley catheter.”

They then state, “At approximately 11:25 p.m, Dr. Naim was notified with a concern for active internal bleeding.


“Shortly thereafter, the massive transfusion protocol was initiated on [Dixon],” and she “was taken to surgery around 12:30 a.m. on April 13, 2016. During surgery [Dixon] was found to have 3 liters of blood in her abdomen.”

“[Dixon] did not survive the ongoing massive blood loss,” the documents state. “[Dixon] was pronounced dead at 2:22 a.m. on April 13, 2016; and the autopsy stated that the cause of ‘death was due to hemorrhagic shock, due to acute hemoperitoneum,’ status post casarean section.”

The documents list the negligence as “failing to appreciate and properly manage Kyira’s post-partum hemorrhage in a timely manner” and “failing to return Kyira to surgery in a timely manner; among other acts and omissions.”

“As a direct and proximate result of said negligence of the defendants and the death of descendant, Plaintiffs have been and will continue to be deprived of the love, companionship, comfort, affection, society, solace, moral support, care, counsel, physical assistance, services, financial support and protection of descendant Kyira, and have thereby sustained pecuniary loss,” the documents read.


Dixon’s husband and two sons are listed as plaintiffs in the suit.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center said in a statement to PEOPLE that they were “deeply saddened by the death and the toll it is taking on her family.

“Cedars-Sinai is firmly committed to the highest levels of quality, has a comprehensive program to review any problems in patient care, and takes action any time it needs to make changes to maintain our high level of quality,” the hospital said in their statement. “Any time there are concerns raised about a patient’s medical care, we conduct an investigation to determine exactly what happened, including reviewing hospital procedures and the competency of healthcare providers, and make changes as needed to ensure that we continue to provide the highest quality medical care.”

So sad.

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