Mo'Nique Goes In on Kim Burrell for Her Anti-Gay Sermon [Video] |

Mo’Nique Goes In on Kim Burrell for Her Anti-Gay Sermon [Video]

Mo’Nique is the latest celebrity to weigh in on Kim Burrell’s hateful anti-gay sermon from last week.

On her radio talk show, Mo’Nique and Sidney’s Open Relationship, she and her husband addressed the controversy.

“It’s almost laughable because you’re saying that in 2017, we are still dealing with people taking issue with people being who they were born to be, who they choose to be,” she said. “People are still taking issue with the cloak of, ‘I am a warrior for Jesus and I must fight for Jesus and stop all you f**s and dykes before y’all get condemned to hell.’… Why are you wasting your energy?”

Sidney shared his thoughts on the matter, adding that her non-apology didn’t even make sense.

“The comments that we heard her make initially and then in conjunction with what she followed up behind almost alluded [that] she wasn’t saying anything about the LGBT community,” he said. “She was speaking in reference to what God hates because it’s a sin and the only thing about it is that how many of you have heard the voice of God tell you that he/she/them, whatever you believe God to be, hates, in terms of what is a human dynamic?”

You can see what all Mo’Nique had to say below.

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