Say What Now? Teen Shot and Killed His Mother in Her Sleep Because She Wouldn’t Let Him Keep a Puppy [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

19-year-old Andrew David Wilson fatally shot his mother in the back of the head while she slept after she told him he couldn’t keep a puppy in their home.

Andrew brought the puppy home a few weeks earlier, but his mother told him he had to take it to his father’s house.

Andrew has been charged with the murder of Lisa Marie Wilson and felony firearm possession.


via NYDN:

Willson called police early Friday morning to say he returned to their Wheatfield Township, Mich., home to find his mother dead in a bedroom, the Ingham County Sheriff’s detective Charles Buckland testified.

Andrew Willson later told detectives that he used a rifle from a locked cabinet and shot his mother in the back of the head while she was sleeping, according to Buckland.

Police recovered the .22 Magnum, which the 19-year-old discarded on a drive on back roads, Buckland testified.


Andrew Willson, who was denied bond at his arraignment Monday, is scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing on Sept. 28.


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