Drew Sidora Is Still Living with Ex Ralph Pittman ‘In the Basement’ amid Their Ongoing Divorce

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 months ago

Drew Sidora says that despite going through a messy divorce from Ralph Pittman, they’re still living under the same roof.

via People:

“It’s still not settled and yes, we’re still living together under the same roof,” Sidora tells PEOPLE, while discussing her role in Bounce TV’s hit sitcom Mind Your Business. “I didn’t even know that could happen. I was like, ‘What?’ But yeah — he is living in the basement, and that was court-ordered.”


The challenge that brings, Sidora adds, has “just been crazy.”

“It’d be much easier if we were able to move on separately; you know, out of sight, out of mind, with your own space and your own energy. But that’s clearly not in the cards,” she says. “So sharing space has been a double whammy.”

“We’re kind of like, the blueprint for a s—show divorce,” she joked.

PEOPLE reached out to a rep for Pittman for comment.


Sidora, 39, and Pittman, 41, separated in February 2023 after eight years of marriage, each filing for divorce within an hour of one another the following month. The two have lobbied contentious claims in a legal back and forth since, which — in addition to overall court date schedules — is part of the reason the process has been delayed, Sidora says.

“When you’re dealing with someone who wants everything and is just not willing to walk away with what he came in with, it makes it very, very hard,” she shares. “So I’m just learning how this process can go in the worst-case scenario. And I’m taking it literally one day at a time.”

The actress and singer and been channeling her pain into her work. She says that filming Mind Your Business, in which she plays a divorcee, has helped her move past some of her trauma through laughter. “I’ve been healing through this character, for sure.”

She’s also working on new music, including her latest single, “I Got 5 on It.” Sidora explains: “Music has been my therapy. Every emotion, every piece of this journey, I’m writing about it and putting it on the album. So that’s been a lifeline, too.”


But mostly, Sidora has been leaning on her family, including kids Josiah, 13, Machai, 9 and Aniya, 6 — the latter two whom she shares with Pittman.

“My village is my everything,” she says. “My sister, my sister-in-law and my cousin came out to be there for me emotionally and help me with the kids. My mom, she’s been back and forth, she takes the kids with her to Chicago whenever needed. They have been my rock through it all.”

“The kids, because we’re still under the same roof, the energy has definitely shifted. But to keep some normalcy for my babies has meant everything to me. To be able to put my arms around my kids during those tough times… I think it’s been helpful for all of us.”

That’s…messy. Does that mean we’ll be seeing Ralph this season on RHOA? Probably.

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