[UPDATED] USC Trojans Star Josh Shaw Jumps Off Second Story Balcony to Save Drowning Nephew, Jeopardizes Career

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


USC Senior cornerback Josh Shaw was recognized by as a team captain at the annual Salute to Troy dinner on Saturday, and later that night Josh proved that his leadership extends both on and off the field.

UPDATE: Josh Shaw admits to school officials that he LIED about the entire story (below). He’s been suspended from the team for his actions.

While attending a family function at his cousin’s apartment complex in Palmdale, California, Shaw witnessed his 7-year-old nephew beginning to drown in the pool.


Without hesitation, Shaw jumped two stories down — landing on the concrete near the pool. From there, he was able to crawl into the pool and help his nephew to safety.

The 7-year-old is said to be ‘traumatized,’ but physically unharmed. Shaw was taken to the hospital and now has two sprained ankles — which means he can’t play football for the foreseeable future.

“I would do it again for whatever kid it was, it did not have to be my nephew,” Shaw said today. “My ankles really hurt, but I am lucky to be surrounded by the best trainers and doctors in the world. I am taking my rehab one day at a time, and I hope to be back on the field as soon as possible.”

Josh Shaw is a hero!

[via USC]

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