Ask B. Scott: Hard-Working Mom in Need of Fun!


Published 12 years ago


Dear B. Scott,

I am a single parent of two wonderful girls and I am currently working two jobs. I love my girls, but I am starting to feel overwhelmed and stressed out!
I want to do something special for myself and my girls but my money is FUNNY. I’m tired of working with no fun in my life and not seeing anything special or memorable that I can say I’ve done. My oldest daughter is turning sweet 16 and I need some advice on how to make sure that this is one of the best birthdays she has because she is my rock.

Help a stressed out overworked mother give her daughter something my mom never did for me!

Dear love muffin,

Instead of focusing your resources on one major event, do your best to make her entire day full of memorable (and cost-effective) moments. A sweet sixteen doesn’t have to be an extravagant over-the-top party.

Here are some ideas to make your daughter’s day extra special:


Start with breakfast: Make her favorite breakfast and get creative with the presentation! Depending on what she likes, it could be an inexpensive way to jump start her day and make her feel special first thing in the morning.

Mother-daughter pamper day: Spend some quality time together at a spa or salon getting mani-pedis. Visit a makeup counter and get makeovers. Maybe even go shopping together and take turns picking out an outfit for each of you (if the budget permits). There are several places to get chic ensembles at an affordable price (i.e Nordstrom Rack, H&M, Kohl’s).

Picnic in the park: Depending on where you live, get outside and have lunch somewhere out of the normal –maybe a park or a beach. Bring along some card games or outdoor activities to make the most of it.

Take lots of pictures: What better way to document and remember the day than with pictures? With tools like Instagram and Vine, you both have several ways to capture the moments and share the fun with family and friends.


The best thing about these ideas is that they not only give you quality time to spend with your daughter, but you get a little pampering out of the experience as well! It may not be your sweet sixteen, but it sounds like you deserve to treat yourself too!


B. Scott

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