Legendary Shade: Aretha Franklin Swiftly Avoids Shaking Patti LaBelle’s Hand at the White House [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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It’s been well known for quite some time that Aretha Franklin doesn’t care for Patti LaBelle — although no one’s really ever been able to figure out exactly why.

If you were wondering if these two have moved past their feud in their old age, the answer is no as Aretha is still holding on to whatever it is that burned her so dearly back in the day.

At the White House’s Women of Soul concert last week, Aretha threw more shade than a wet rainforest canopy at Patti when Patti attempted to greet her!


Never in all our days have we seen Aretha move as quickly as she did when she tried to avoid Patti’s touch.

Maybe while Aretha was performing she had a sudden change of heart, because at the end of the clip she quickly embraces Patti as she leaves the room.

Watch the first 20 seconds of the clip below and see Aretha maneuver all the way around Patti’s reach, then again during the last 20 seconds to watch the ladies hug it out.


[via Obnoxious TV]


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