Thong Bodysuits, Masks, Versace and More: Check Out Beyoncé’s ‘On The Run’ Tour Costumes [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Beyoncé On The Run Tour Costumes

Beyoncé and Jay Z kicked off their On The Run tour last night in Miami and as you can imagine, social media lit up with photos and videos from the show.

They performed over 40 songs during the 2.5 hour show with a set inspired by their RUN trailer. 



During the show, Beyoncé rocked several different costumes including a multicolor Atelier Versace bodysuit, a thong cut-out leotard, and a Vrettos Vrettakos red crystal catsuit.

Get into some pics from the show below. Which costume is your favorite?

Sidebar: Bey & Jay shared previously unseen wedding and delivery room footage during the show. Check it out here!

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